The word or sentence battery is a concept introduced by FunEasyLearn, to help its users keep track of the words they have learned and review the words that are about to be forgotten.
There are 6 states of the battery for each word and sentence:
1. Charging- the words/ sentences that haven't been yet learned;
2. Charged- the words/ sentences that have been learned;
3. Discharging 1- the words/ sentences that haven't participated in games for more than 7 days;
4. Discharging 2- the words/ sentences that haven't participated in games for more than 14 days;
5. Discharging 3- the words/ sentences that haven't participated in games for more than 21 days;
6. Discharged- the words/ sentences that haven't participated in games for more than 30 days;
Every following period of discharging will increase with every correct answer you give to a discharging word or sentence when reviewing.
You can see the status of the battery for each word and sentence in the Vocabulary and in the Search.
How do I make a discharging word or sentence charged again?
How do I review the words or sentences that are discharging?
How do I know I have learned a word or sentence?
How do I know when a Topic or Subtopic is learned?