Each available Review will be empty for different reasons:
1. Absent Alphabet Review- you haven't learned all the letters;
2. Absent Reading Rules Review- you haven't learned all the rules of a letter;
3. Empty Time Review (Words/ Sentences)- you haven't opened the Vocabulary at all in the last 6 months;
4. Empty Level Review (Words/ Sentences)- you haven't learned all the words/sentences of at least one Subtopic;
5. Empty Battery Review (Words/Sentences)- you haven't got any discharging words/ sentences.
What is a Review?
How do I review what I have learned?
How do I review the alphabet I have learned?
How do I review the reading rules I have learned?
How do I review the words or sentences I have learned before?
How do I review the words or sentences from the level(s) I am learning?
How do I review the words or sentences that are discharging?
What is a word/ sentence battery?
How do I know I have learned a word or sentence?
Do I earn anything when making a Review?